Panel Application
Panel Application for Mare Fair 2025

Bring your ideas to life at Mare Fair 2025!

Please note: Panelists must still purchase a separate badge for entry into the event.

Primary Contact Information

Please provide us with the name and contact information of the person we should contact regarding this application. This is the person who will be contacted in case this application is accepted.

(You may unsubscribe at any time.)

Panel Information

Badge Type

The type of panel badge you are requesting.

Presenter Name

The name of the business, organization, group, or individual presenting the panel.

Panel Name

The name of the panel. This is the name that appears publicly.

Time Slots Requested

The number of time slots you are requesting.

Attendee ID

This is a hidden field used to connect applications to attendees.

About your panel

Here's your chance to tell us about your panel idea and what experience you may have had in the past.
No prior experience? No problem! We love fresh ideas and new panelists!

Describe your panel idea

Tell us about your panel.

Official panel description

How would you describe your panel on the convention website or in a conbook?


Will anyone else be running the panel or presenting with you? If yes, please list their names.

How much time do you need?

How much time do you need?
Most panels run about 60 minutes, but if yours needs more or less, let us know.
Please note: Panel space is at a premium and really long panels are harder to schedule around; keep this in mind.

Preferred day and time

What's your preferred day and time slot?
No guarantees, but we’ll try to accommodate!

Please be aware of the following events already planned (subject to change):
Opening Ceremonies: Friday TBD
Spaghetti and Tendie dinner: Friday evening TBD
Concert: Friday and/or Saturday evening TBD
Charity Auction: Sunday TBD
Closing Ceremonies: Sunday TBD
Vendor Hall: TBD

Alternative days and times

If your preferred time isn’t available, what other days/times work for you?
Remember that this isn't a guarantee, so please work around the schedule above.

Mare Fair staff

Have you applied or do you plan to apply to be a volunteer at Mare Fair?
Please let us know so so we can avoid scheduling conflicts.

Potential conflicts

Please describe other events you may be participating in at Mare Fair that your panel needs to be scheduled around.
For example: You're performing in the concert, you have a ticket to the Spaghetti & Tendie dinner, etc.
No time is guaranteed, but the more information you can give us the easier it will be for us to find the best time for your panel.

Panel Type

What category does your panel fall under?

Panel room preference

We have two types of panel rooms this year. Which setup works best for you?

- Theater Seating (Standard panel setup)
- Workshop Room (Tables & chairs for interactive activities)

The workshop room is great if you want your panel attendees to be able to draw, write, or do other craft things with their hands.

What type of room would you prefer?

Charity panel

Are you planning to raise money for this year’s charity at your panel?
If yes, tell us how you’ll do it.

Ticketed event

Do you anticipate needing to charge attendees the cost of materials at your panel?

Panel equipment

What do you need to make your panel 20% cooler?
Every room includes a projector with HDMI inputs and microphone by default.
If you need extra gear, such as additional mics, sound hookups, or special adapters, list them here.
(We’ll do our best, but no guarantees!)

Rate your panel

How would you rate your panel’s content?
Please stick to this rating, misrepresentation may lead to early cancellation.
If you need to change your rating, let us know by e-mailing [email protected]

Prior panels

Have you hosted a panel before, at Mare Fair or elsewhere? Tell us about your experience!
If available, provide links to past recordings.


Feel free to post some links to your presence online: where you upload content, social media, etc.

Alternative contact

Besides email, is there another way we can reach you?
(Include the platform and username, but note that application status updates will always be sent via email.)

Is your panel pony related?

Mare Fair is a pony convention, so we ask that panels stay on topic and primarily focus on ponies.

Additional comments

Is there anything else we should know?
Do you have special requests or accessibility needs?
Any last-minute details you want to share?
If you need to make any changes to your application please e-mail [email protected]

Best mare

Tell us who you think best mare is.
You can only choose one.
All answers will be tallied and announced sometime after the convention, so choose wisely!
If you leave this blank, we'll know you hate mares.

Badge Information

Please provide us with the names and contact information of the people who should receive badges, INCLUDING YOURSELF. We ask for date of birth only to verify age.

Badges Requested

The number of badges you are requesting.

Badge #1