Musician Application
Musician Application for Mare Fair 2025

Make squiggly lines in the air at Mare Fair 2025!

Please note: By submitting your application you are agreeing to abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct

Primary Contact Information

Please provide us with the name and contact information of the person we should contact regarding this application. This is the person who will be contacted in case this application is accepted.

(You may unsubscribe at any time.)

Musician Information

Badge Type

The type of musician badge you are requesting.

Group Name

The name of the group or individual performing the show or concert.

Performance Name

The name of the performance. This is the name that appears publicly.

Time Slots Requested

The number of time slots you are requesting.

Attendee IDs

This is a hidden field used to connect applications to attendees.

Actual # Badges

Because Concrescent is wrong, not visible to attendees.

What hardware will you be bringing?

Please provide as much detail as you can regarding the equipment/gear you will be bringing for your act, and how it will be set up: *

What other hardware do you need?

Please list any equipment/gear you will require from the convention - mic stands, tables, etc. (we will do our best to accommodate requests) *

Your music

Tell us about yourself and the type of music you play.


Your Discord or Matrix/Element username.

Type of music you'll be performing

Describe the type of music you plan to perform in your set.

Set description

Describe the set you wish to perform as you'd like it to appear on our website or in a conbook.


If you are able, please link a logo or OC you would like to use for our website or in the conbook.

Music linkies

Where do you post your music? Throw your YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, etc. in here.

What is the maximum set time you would want to perform?

This does not guarantee you will get your requested time.

How do you plan on making your set special?

Why should we choose you to play on the Mare Fair stage?

Prior performances

Give links to some videos of prior live performances you've done (if any).
This isn't a requirement, but it helps.

Would you be interested in a musician group vendor table?

There's a chance we may have a general musician table in the vendor hall.
Would you be interested in selling anything there, giving stuff away, or hanging out there?

Pony performance percentage

Approximately what percentage of music you plan to play would you describe as "pony related?"
Since Mare Fair is a pony convention we ask that musicians keep their sets on topic and primarily pony.
If we have too many musician applications for the amount of space available, priority will be given to musicians with a larger percentage of pony.

Additional comments

What else should we know about your application?
Do you have any other requirements or accessibility needs?

Best mare

Tell us who you think best mare is.
You can only choose one.
All answers will be tallied and announced sometime after the convention, so choose wisely!
If you leave this blank, we'll know you hate mares.


Please read the Mare Fair Code of Conduct.

Badge Information

Please provide us with the names and contact information of the people who should receive badges, INCLUDING YOURSELF. We ask for date of birth only to verify age.

Badges Requested

The number of badges you are requesting.

Badge #1