Come sell your cool stuff at Mare Fair 2025! 
Please note: By submitting your application you are agreeing to abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct, Vendor Policies, and Terms of Sale
Primary Contact Information |
Please provide us with the name and contact information of the person we should contact regarding this application. This is the person who will be contacted in case this application is accepted. |
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| (You may unsubscribe at any time.) |
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Vendor Information |
Vendor and artist tables are for vendors and artists selling products or artwork. Convention Exchange tables are for organizations that run other pony or related conventions. Charity tables are for 501(c)(3) organizations that are approved by Snowpity, Inc.
Please note, the fees for tables this year are $40 per table (after tax). Badges are priced separately. If you've already purchased a badge, please check the appropriate box so you aren't charged twice. |
| Badge Type The type of vendor badge you are requesting. |
| Each person working at your table must purchase a badge. If you've already bought a badge, please make sure you check the box that says you've already registered as an attendee.
The offer of a vendor badge and table requires you to read, agree to, and abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct, Vendor Policies, and Terms of Sale. Rewards: - One table in the Vendor Stalls area
- Access to Vendor Stalls during off-hours
- General admission to Mare Fair 2025
- Simple color lanyard
- Access to panels, vendor hall, and concert for all three days
| Each person working at your table must purchase a badge. If you've already bought a badge, please make sure you check the box that says you've already registered as an attendee.
The offer of a vendor badge and table requires you to read, agree to, and abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct, Vendor Policies, and Terms of Sale. Rewards: - One table in the AD Vendor Stalls area
- Access to AD Vendor Stalls during off-hours
- General admission to Mare Fair 2025
- Simple color lanyard
- Access to panels, vendor hall, and concert for all three days
| This will provide you one table for a single day (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday).
Each person working at your table must purchase a badge.
The offer of a table requires you to read, agree to, and abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct, Vendor Policies, and Terms of Sale. Rewards: - One table in the Vendor Stalls area for your day
- Up to (2) Artist Alley Ribbons for your day
- Access to Vendor Stalls during off-hours on your day
| This badge provides the same benefits as a standard vendor badge but is only for use by 501(c)(3) charities with approval from Snowpity, Inc.
The offer of a vendor badge and table requires you to read, agree to, and abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct, Vendor Policies, and Terms of Sale. Rewards: - One table in the Vendor Stalls area
- Access to Vendor Stalls during off-hours
- General admission to Mare Fair 2025
- Simple color lanyard
- Access to panels, vendor hall, and concert for all three days
| This badge provides the same benefits as a standard vendor badge but is only for use by other conventions who are interested in a like-for-like table exchange with us.
The offer of a vendor badge and table requires you to read, agree to, and abide by the Mare Fair Code of Conduct, Vendor Policies, and Terms of Sale. Rewards: - One table in the Vendor Stalls area
- Access to Vendor Stalls during off-hours
- General admission to Mare Fair 2025
- Simple color lanyard
- Access to panels, vendor hall, and concert for all three days
| Business Name The name of the business, organization, group, or individual selling or tabling. |
| Table Name The name of the table. This is the name that appears publicly. |
| Tables Requested The number of tables you are requesting. |
| Attendee ID This is a hidden field used to connect applications to attendees. |
| Actual # Badges Because Concrescent is wrong, not visible to attendees. |
| Electricity Please select whether electricity is a requirement for you to be able to vend, or if it is something you would like to have. Electricity may or may not be available in the form of a standard wall outlet for an extra $20 (we will run a special cord to your table). We can also provide you a dedicated 5A drop for an additional $160 (this is what the hotel charges us) if a standard 120V outlet is not enough for you. If you need more than this, please contact us at [email protected]. |
What are you selling?Tell us a bit about what you plan to sell at Mare Fair. |
| Artist Alley The Artist Alley is intended for people new to vending, not people with an established variety of merch. Artist Alley applicants will only have a table for a single day. Signage may or may not be provided to Artist Alley vendors. |
| Portfolio or Website Link  Please provide a link to a professional web site, deviantArt gallery, or online store with enough content for us to judge the quality of your work. If you do not have a portfolio or online store, please upload some photos of your work somewhere publicly accessible such as Tumblr, Flickr, Facebook, etc. and link to that. For Convention Exchange or Charity tables, just provide a link to your organization's web site.
| Example of Vendor Table If possible, we’d like to see examples of previous vendor tables you’ve done. Please provide a link to a gallery or other photo(s) somewhere publicly accessible such as Tumblr, Flickr, Facebook, etc. and link to that. Some applicants make this part of their portfolio - in this case, you may use the same URL as above. If this is your first con, don't worry, we'll be gentle. |
| Description How would you describe your merchandise on a con website or in a con book? Please give us a short description of your table. |
| What will you be selling? Please select from the list any appropriate categories your products fall under.
| What will you be selling? Please select from the list any appropriate categories your products fall under.
| Other If you checked other above, please use this space to provide specifics. |
| What will you be selling? Please give a general description of what you plan to sell in the After Dark Vendor Hall. |
| Pony Product Percentage Approximately what percentage of merchandise do you plan to display that will feature characters from My Little Pony in a non-anthro/non-furry style? Since Mare Fair is a pony convention we ask that vendors keep their displays on topic and primarily pony. If we have too many vendor applications for the amount of space available, priority will be given to vendors with a larger percentage or pony products. |
| What day would you prefer to vend the Artist Alley We'll do our best to accommodate you, but we cannot guarantee a specific day. You will only be accepted for a single day (if accepted). If you select multiple choices you will be considered for either day, if you don't care check all the boxes 
| Table Placement Requests We will try our best to fulfill every request for table placement, but we cannot guarantee you will get the placement you want. Furthermore, are there any vendors you wish to be near, or NOT be near? |
| Large Items Please list any large items you may have at your table, such as clothing racks, display racks, life-size plushies, etc. This will help us plan our space better. |
| Vendor Meal Break Please indicate whether or not you would like to have a meal break Saturday. All vendors will be required to leave the hall during lunch so the hall may be secured. (Friday and Sunday will be shortened days, so the option for a meal break will not be offered)
| Anything else? Anything else you would like us to know? Do you have any other requirements or accessibility needs? |
| 18+ Material Please indicate on whether or not you plan to sell any 18+ material. Mare Fair currently has a black book policy as well as a dedicated AD vendor hall at night for the purposes of openly displaying and selling 18+ content. Please submit a separate application if you wish to sell in our AD Vendor Stalls.
| Best Mare Tell us who you think best mare is. You can only choose one. All answers will be tallied and announced sometime after the convention, so choose wisely! If you leave this blank, we'll know you hate mares. |
| Vendor Helpers Will you have more Vendor Helpers than 4? |
| Agreement Please read the Mare Fair Code of Conduct, Vendor Policies, and Terms of Sale. |
Badge Information |
Please provide us with the names and contact information of the people who should receive badges, INCLUDING YOURSELF. We ask for date of birth only to verify age. |
| Badges Requested The number of badges you are requesting. |